Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S., USMC Commandant headline 2023 MRE Conference

Press Release

WASHINGTON, October 18 – With guest speakers who can address some of the world’s most pressing issues, the 2023 Military Reporters and Editors annual conference on Oct. 27 in Washington D.C. will be a news-making event. Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S. Oksana Markarova and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Eric M. Smith will deliver keynote addresses and take questions.

Former CENTCOM and SOCOM commander Joseph Votel, now a Distinguished Fellow at the Middle East Institute, will offer his insights on the Israel-Hamas war. There will be panels on the challenges faced by journalists covering Ukraine and Afghanistan, a frank dialogue with military public affairs leaders, and a conversation with NBC News national security and military correspondent Courtney Kube.

The conference will be held at the Medill School of Journalism’s Washington Newsroom, 1301 K St, NW, Suite 200 West, Washington, DC 20005. The 2023 MRE Conference Day covers more than 10 hours of events plus opportunities for MRE members and conference attendees to network and socialize. The conference is followed by The Combat Correspondent’s Dinner at the National Press Club.

The full 2023 MRE Conference agenda and registration details are available on the MRE website at

About Military Reporters & Editors | MRE

Military Reporters & Editors is the leading organization for U.S. journalists covering national security. MRE provides resources, support, and networking opportunities for its members, fostering excellence in journalism and promoting public understanding of military and national security affairs.

Contact: Howard Altman, MRE president.