Journalism in action
Military Reporters & Editors
A non-profit organization for journalists covering the military, national security and homeland defense.
MRE in action for you

Assures that journalists have access to places where the U.S. military and its allies operate.

Advances public understanding of the military, national security and homeland defense.

Represents the interests of working journalists to the government and military.

Shares information on best journalism practices, tools and techniques.

Military Reporters & Editors is the leading organization for journalists covering national security.
MRE provides resources, support, and networking opportunities for its members, fostering excellence in journalism and promoting public understanding of military and national security affairs.
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Keynotes: Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin and Navy Capt. Chris “Chowdah” Hill
Military Reporters & Editors hosts keynotes, conversation, discussion and dialogue at its 2024 MRE Conference Friday, Oct. 25
Reproductive Rights and the Military | Public Affairs Officers | Tech and Innovation

Conversation with CBS News National Security and Military Correspondent David Martin

Dialogue with John Kirby, White House National Security Spokesman