2019 MRE Journalism Contest opens

Awards Competition Kicks Off

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4, 2019–The Military Reporters & Editors association announced today it is accepting work for its annual journalism awards competition.

The MRE Journalism Contest and Awards recognize outstanding military reporting in several categories.

The competition covers work published or broadcast from Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2018.

The contest submissions deadline is 5 p.m. ET, March 15, 2019.

The winners will be announced May 1, 2019.

To register, go to MRE Journalism Contest Registration Form.

The Joe Galloway Award
The Joe Galloway award is given on a year-by-year basis. The $500 prize is named after UPI combat correspondent and McClatchy Newspapers columnist, Joe Galloway. This is for the Best of Show as determined by the judges.

The James Crawley Award
There is a $100 prize for the winner of the James Crawley Award. It is restricted to Print Category entries. Jim Crawley, one of the founders of MRE, was the chief military reporter at the San Diego Union-Tribune and later covered national security and veterans affairs for Media General News Service.

Official Rules
Who can enter?
Print, visual, television, radio, web journalists covering U.S. and non-U.S. military, veteran affairs, homeland defense. MRE officers and board of directors are not eligible.

Student Eligibility
There is a single category for student work. To be eligible in the student-specific category, the entire project must have been produced only by enrolled students receiving academic credit for the work being entered, or must be work created for a student publication. Students can be full- or part-time; graduate, undergraduate or high school students. Work produced for pay is not eligible for a student award (that is, freelance work, etc. Receipt of student aid is not a disqualifier). Work that was created by a student for credit but then made available to a commercial publication is allowed, but should be explained in the entry.

General rules (all categories):
Entries must be originally published, broadcast or posted in the English language during 2018. Each entry must have a publication, broadcast or posting date listed.

Only electronic submissions will be accepted by links to the entries. Submit using our form listing a “live” Internet link (URL) to the entry and dates the story, blog, slide show, audio, or video were posted on the Internet. If a password is required to access behind a paywall, it must be provided.

All entries must be accompanied with a one-paragraph bio of the entering journalist(s).

All decisions by the independent judges are final.

Winners will be notified at the conclusion of judging, which will be done by a panel independent of MRE, its officers and board of directors. The winning entry in each category will be posted on the MRE website (militaryreporters.org). By submitting this entry form all contestants agree to allow their work to be displayed on the MRE website free of any obligations to the individual entrant or parent company.

1. Overseas coverage – large newspapers/magazine (more than 100,000)
2. Overseas coverage – small newspapers/magazines (less than 100,000)
3. Domestic coverage – large newspapers/magazines (more than 100,000)
4. Domestic coverage – small newspapers/magazines (less than 100,000)

Print rules:
Contestants may submit no more than four stories per entry.

Photography (International or domestic):
1. Large newspapers/wire services/magazines (more than 100,000)
2. Small newspapers/magazines (less than 100,000)

Photography rules:
Include the name of the publication, date and website location.

1. Network/Large Market – Networks (Broadcast and cable) and Top 10 local TV markets
2. Small Market – All other television markets

Television rules:
List air date(s), reporter, producer, camera and sound personnel, and links to broadcasts.

This award recognizes a reporter or commentator whose work was presented on a radio program. Entry must include a link to the audio file(s).

This award recognizes a columnist who writes about topics covering the military or homeland security on a regular basis. Entry must consist of five different columns.

Entrants should submit links to the columns online. The dates of publication should be visible.

Online News Reporting
This category recognizes the best explanatory journalism using digital means. Entries should explain a relevant, meaningful and complex subject through clear storytelling and presentation. Judges will consider the quality of the journalism, design, creative and appropriate uses of media, and the ways in which digital and mobile platforms are maximized to engage and inform audiences.

Online News rules:
Broken or faulty links will disqualify entry. Provide list writer, photographer, videographer, web designer or others directly involved in the producing the content and presentation.

Student Project
This category recognizes a student package or project that expertly uses print or digital storytelling to inform its audience regarding a specific story or topic. Judges will consider the quality of the journalism, design, creative and appropriate uses of media, and the ways in which print, digital and mobile platforms are maximized to engage and inform audiences.

Entry Fee:
$50 (U.S. only) per entry per category. MRE members are entitled to one FREE entry.

Additional entries in a category are $25 each for MRE members and non-members.

To enter the contest, visit our registration page.